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Spring/ Summer 2024
Dance is a form of self-expression. A display of rhythm and language animated. These movements come at a whim, experienced presently to celebrate individuality. An art, personal in concertion, shared in execution. Both personally and in performance, it is done perpetually and subconsciously. An instinctual motor used as a tool to draw, sculpt, paint, construct, and write. It comes without a need and leaves with a perspective purpose. Starting in one spot, picking up speed, and moving through a space with an invitation to join. clumsily perfect, the moment slows and rests in another spot than which it started. Fulfilled only for a moment, waiting for the next song to signal another. "This is how I dance"

Silk scarves represent sleek hand-painted historical tiles and shades of blue reminiscent of warm weather environments. From the clear skies to blue hour, moments before the sun sets and the midnight blues host warm nights of adventure take place, casual fabrics form elegant compositions or stripped away to embrace rays in festive classic colors.

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